
Family Doctor Avondale

What Is a General Practitioner, and How Do You Choose One?

general practitioner

Your first experience with a General Practitioner (GP) was probably with your family doctor as a child. A GP would usually form long-term relationships with you and your family, providing continual primary healthcare. They treat common illnesses (both acute and chronic diseases) and perform routine checks and preventive examinations to keep you and your family healthy.

The term General Practice was first formalized in early 19th century, when a new breed of medical practitioners were trained to combine the basics of internal medicine, surgery and midwifery in a community-based approach to streamline care for society and to reduce the need for patients to go to the hospital.

Originally licensed to practise after completing one year of rotating, many primary care doctors in the US now call themselves ‘family physicians’ if they have received 3 years of formal training after medical school. However, GPs in Europe now usually undergo 5 years of additional training after medical school, longer than most specialists in the US, and they still proudly call themselves GPs.

Regardless if a primary care doctor is called ‘general practitioner’ or ‘family physician’, 3P4Care believes all family doctors should have received at least 3 years of training after medical school.

Visits to your GP should not happen only when you are not feeling up to scratch or in a bad state of mind. Regular check-ups are recommended, whether you are feeling healthy or not, as your GP focuses on your overall physical and mental health.

Regular visits to your GP may also detect medical and other health concerns at an early developmental stage, and your practitioner can offer solutions or begin treatment before they develop into more serious conditions. Their principal function is to ensure that you, your family, and the community they serve remain fit and healthy.

At 3P4Care Avondale, we collaborate with you to take charge of your health by providing expert care and compassion in a welcoming setting. In this article, we’ll take a look at what a general practitioner does and how they can help keep you healthy.

What Does a General Practitioner Do?

For most concerns you may have regarding your or your family’s mental and physical well-being, you would first approach your GP for guidance and advice. One of their many functions is assessing the patient by taking the history and performing a physical examination. Following the clinical examination, they may recommend immediate treatment or require additional tests to confirm their initial observations. They will refer the patient to a specialist for more advanced care if they diagnose more serious conditions.

The care your GP would provide includes:

  • Acute care
  • further testing
  • curative treatment
  • symptomatic relief
  • Preventive care
  • disease screening (through annual wellness examination, including mental health checks)
  • prophylaxis (immunisations)
  • lifestyle changes (health education)
  • Chronic disease management
  • monitoring chronic conditions through clinical examination and laboratory testing
  • assessing the effectiveness and possible side effects of treatments
  • minimising possible complications
  • Referrals to specialists

They play an essential role in health education and providing preventative treatment options. Additionally, a GP can perform immediate trauma care in an emergency, stabilizing the patient while providing life-saving medical assistance until the emergency services arrive.

While specialists restrict their practices to a specific age group, a specific gender or specific organs, a GP specialises in you, made possible by acquiring personal knowledge about you through long-term partnership with you.

Reasons to Visit Your Doctor Regularly

General practitioners form part of a large medical community, including nurses, pharmacists, specialists, psychologists, and others. This medical professional team focuses on providing holistic medical treatment and support to your and your family’s overall health and well-being. Your GP can assist you with many routine and more serious conditions.

So, there are many reasons why you should consult with them regularly, including:

Preventative medicine and wellness exams

They would perform routine screenings for hidden health conditions such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Risk factors for diabetes or heart disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Depression
  • Cancer

Your doctor is your first line of defence in the early detection of health conditions. If you have a history in your family of chronic illness, are a high-risk candidate for a chronic condition, these screenings will benefit your health and peace of mind and allow your doctor to prescribe preventative medicine timeously.

Immediate response to illness or injury

These are equally important duties of a GP. When injured, sick, or experiencing concerning symptoms outside of regular visits, your doctor can offer trauma assistance or run laboratory tests to assess your condition, diagnose, prescribe medication, or refer you to a hospital or specialist if required.

Acute Conditions

Doctors can treat acute conditions like:

  • Asthma or panic attacks
  • Migraines
  • Colds, fever, and flu
  • Dehydration
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Skin infections
  • Rashes
  • Muscle strains and pains
  • Minor wounds or broken bones

Stabilise mental health crises and refer to a mental health specialist.

Chronic and Recurring Conditions

Long-term conditions such as high (or low) blood pressure, heart disease, angina, asthma, diabetes, and mental health issues can be managed with healthier lifestyle changes, improved diets, and exercise, which your GP may recommend. They may also prescribe long-term medication to stabilize the condition.

How to Find Your Ideal GP

  1. Decide whether you will attend consultations from work or home.
  2. Get a list of doctors from your medical aid provider who are in your chosen area and are approved vendors.
  3. For references, show the list to family, friends, colleagues, or neighbors.
  4. Make a shortlist and investigate their credentials and reputations through their websites, or call their receptionists and ask.
  5. From this information, create a visiting list and see them in person.

What to Look for In an Initial Consultation

Your health and well-being are based on a close partnership between you and your doctor. It is a team effort. Therefore, communication is key, and there are certain non-negotiable factors you need to consider, for example:

  • Do you feel comfortable talking to them, and do they listen to your opinions and concerns?
  • Do they encourage you to ask questions?
  • Do they ask reasonable questions, and are you comfortable answering them (even the more personal ones)?
  • Do you clearly understand what they explain to you in layperson’s terms?
  • Are weekend or evening appointments available, or do they offer video consultations?
  • Do they have experience treating your medical conditions?
  • Is it easy to get an appointment at short notice?
  • How long do they spend with each patient?

Primary Care Services Available in Chicago

Your GP is your first point of contact for all your healthcare needs. At 3P4Care Avondale, our community-based general practitioners and family physicians will be your advocates, coordinating your care and ensuring your safety throughout your journey in the healthcare system.

Experience the 3P4Care difference – book your appointment today!

images: Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

Written by SEO INVIGO